Farm & Family Missions Church 345 Bible/Discipleship Plan GIVE
Magnify Christ - Make Disciples - Multiply Churches

Our Mission:

To LIVE and SHARE the GOODNESS of GOD to our community and the World. Together, we will spread the GOOD NEWS of Jesus through SERVICE to our fellow man, from the farms of the Skagit valley, to the hills & towns of Kenya, and the brick factories in Pakistan. 

  • Christians on a MISSION

    We are a church who knows that EVERY true believer is a DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave us a mission in Matthew 28: "Go and make disciples of ALL Nations (the whole World)..." and this drives our focus as Missionaries!

  • Loving our Neighbors

    We hold a MONTHLY Outreach to the Homeless Community in the Skagit Valley, giving warm meals, haircuts, free clothes, first-aid medical care, bibles, and prayer! Join us @ Lyon's Park 11am-2pm on the Last Saturday of every month!

  • Releasing Resources for Kingdom Missions

    We personally GO, and also partner with Missionaries in the US and around the world through the SEND / IMB Networks. Spreading the Gospel - Feeding Orphans - Freeing Slaves - Making Disciples - & Multiplying Churches!

Farm & Family Missions Church

Meet our Church Network Board & Pastors

Al & Christianne Del Vecchio - Anthony Shanander - Travis & Laurel Lohman

Al & Christianne Del Vecchio

Al, Christianne, Evangeline, Aurelia, & Carina live on a 10-acre farm in Bow, WA. Al is a full-time LCDR in the US Navy Reserve, a trained Naval Aviator in the EA-18G, and is currently stationed at Naval Station Everett, WA. He was licensed to Ministry through Cross Country Cowboy church, holds a certification in High-Trust leadership, is the Master Chaplain for the Order of Christian Knights, and was trained and ordained as a Pastor through Impact Multiplied. Christianne is experienced in Children's ministry, is a self-taught bible scholar, and a full-time farm manager and mom of 3 daughters ages 7,12, & 14. As a couple, they are leading the Farm & Family Missions Church at the Old Skagit Gun Club in Burlington, WA. Al is also the Treasurer of the Farm & Family Missions Church Board.

Anthony & Briley Shanander

Anthony, Briley, Wyatt, & Evan live on a beautiful 50 Acre estate in Acme, WA. Anthony is very active in local church and community service. He serves as the Grandmaster of the Order of Christian Knights, a Pastor with Wickersham Bible Church in Wickersham, WA, as a member of Skagit County Ground Search and Rescue, a 2LT and Scout Platoon Leader in the Army National Guard, and a full-time elementary school health teacher. Anthony has ha a passion for apologetics and church history, has some formal training in theology, and is currently pursuing ordination through the Multiplier's Institute. (While also currently pursuing his Master's Degree). Briley teaches dance at the studio she and Anthony own,  and is a full-time mom of 3-year old Wyatt and 12-month old Evan. Anthony is the Farm & Family Missions Church Board Secretary, and also pastors Farm and Family Wickersham, meeting @ WBC in Wickersham, WA.

Travis & Laurel Lohman

Travis and Laurel live in Beautiful Day Creek, WA on a 20+ Acre cattle ranch.  Travis Pastors Day Creek Chapel on Sundays, and a Cowboy Church of the same name on Tuesday evenings.  They are currently seeing a revival happening in their small town, with the attendance of their church increasing beyond the population of their small town! Travis and Laurel are leaders in Impact Multiplied strategy and implementation.

Contact Farm and Family Missions

We would love to hear from you!

14933 Josh Wilson Rd, Burlington, WA 98232

Wednesdays 6:30pm - 8:30pm

FFMC is proud to be affiliated with the following networks: